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Tag: Corruption

Not Vadodara City, VMC administration smart': Crores spent in the name of garbage: Smart dustbins failed in the city, now there will be hanging dustbins; A dustbin will cost ₹13,200.

January 06, 24 Rahul Vyas

Crores of rupees are spent in the name of Vadodara Smart City, but Vadodara city does not become smart, but in the name of Smart City, the administrators of Smart Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) are spending crores of rupees on the exchequer of the corporation. After the failure of the smart dustbin project, the solid waste department will now install hanging dustbins in the city. The corporation will have to spend ₹13,200 on this one hanging dustbin and the corporation will install such hanging dustbins in the expenditure limit of ₹1 crore in a year. In order to make Vadodara city

Vadodara Municipal Corporation spent ₹4 crore on repair of CCTV cameras in the city and ₹100 crore for installation of CCTV Cameras

January 05, 24 Rahul Vyas

CCTV cameras have been installed on various highways in Vadodara city by the Vadodara Municipal Corporation under the Vadodara Eye project at a cost of ₹ 100 crore.The main purpose of installing these CCTV cameras was the safety and security of the people, but cameras being installed to generate huge income. Based on the cameras, the city police penalise traffic rule violators and it is estimated that the city police have earned lakhs and crores of rupees from it. The Vadodara Corporation, on the other hand, is catching select people who litter and the income is only getting nominated. Th

Corruption of National political parties and States political parties in India

October 26, 22 Vadodara Live

Today I want to give you information about national parties, regional parties and corruption. When it comes to parties, there is bound to be corruption, you must associate corruption with party politics because where there is party, there are more people and to keep people, political parties must bear their expenses (i.e., food and drink). Nothing happens without Money. So today I want to give you more information about the corruption of national parties. You all would know that the East India Company ruled India for two hundred years and after the independence of India, political parties of

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