Sep 19, 2024

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Your phone listens to all your talk, look, now you've got proof.

Marketing Company Stole Voice Data: For a long time, people have been noticing that even though they have not searched, they have ads for what they want. Earlier it was that we used to see AIDS based on what we searched for. However, now there is talk that companies are now listening to what we talk near our phones. According to a report in 404 Media, the marketing company has admitted that they listen to users' activity as well as their talk. A marketing firm whose clients are Google and Facebook has admitted that companies listen to everything through active listing technology. However, due to this, many questions are being raised about the privacy and safety of the user.

How does the phone listen to the user?

Cox Media Group has developed a technology that helps listen and analyze things through the microphones of mobile phones, smart TVs and other devices. This technology is called 'active listing'. It uses artificial technology that provides real-time data in which information about what the user wants to buy is collected. This software suggests ads to the person of the same thing he or she wishes to buy.

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How does active listing technology work?

Active listing technology works with both voice data and the user's online activity in mind. Cox's Media Group has claimed that due to these two things, the advertising company can target a particular person, according to a report in 404 media. For example, if you talk about buying a mobile, then the user will constantly get the same ads. When this company showed the technology to its investors, it came out how voice data is used. He collected this voice data from 470 sources.

Question on user's privacy

Cox Media Group has said that the user allowed them to monitor the data while downloading their new app or while updating the app. He released a statement which has now been deleted. According to this, he informed every user about it, but while registering or updating the application, the user does not read the information and clicks on the term and condition. However as no one is reading these terms the companies are doing what they want which is not right.

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What is the rule in which country?

The European Union General Data Protection Regulation always talks about how to protect a user's data. It simply states that before using the user's data in any way, permission is required to be taken from them. It also uses cookies and tracking technology. The California Consumer Privacy Act gives users the freedom to opt out if they do not want data to be sold to third parties. According to the Indiana Data Protection Rules, it is necessary to take permission from the user to take their data. Also, the user can get out of it for not sharing his data whenever he wants.

What did Google, Meta and Amazon say?

  • After the report of Cox Media Group came out, it has been highly criticized. After this criticism, Google has removed the company from its 'Partners Program'. Google says that it is very important to follow the law and regulations.
  • Facebook and Instagram's parent company Meta has also decided to review The Cox Media Group. If users' microphones have not been used, they will work with them and action will be taken if they have violated the rule.
  • Amazon has recently said that it has nothing to do with cox media group's program. He has also said that legal action will be taken against any of his partners who violate the rules in any way.

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