Sep 19, 2024

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For 'mule accounts' used in online money frauds...

Whether it is to make money by threatening someone by digitally arresting someone or some kind of Whether it is to save money by luring, it is obvious that we are victims. Fraud gangs transferring money directly from our bank account to their bank account Don't do it.

Thug gangs to escape the prying eyes of the police and other investigating agencies other common Takes people into custody and uses their bank account to launder money Is. Such a bank account is known as a mule account (mule means a burden-bearing animal - a mule!).

The money stashed in online frauds from abroad and from India is immediately transferred. Immediately a number of mule accounts are transferred to the net, making it difficult for the investigating agencies of that country to get track of it.

The rate of online money frauds in India is increasing hard and mostly all such A mule account is used in fraud. Information of the account holder using such an account Can happen both ways, with or without knowledge.

Talking about this year only, in the first four months, cyber criminals of others More than Rs 1750 crore has reportedly been siphoned off from the bank account.

In such frauds, the mule account is used for the transaction of money, so the fraudster It becomes difficult to suppress the trail of gangs.

As a solution to this, the Nationals operating the Unified Payment Interface (UPI) Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has launched a new scheme to identify mule accounts The method has been developed. Currently a pilot program was launched to test its effectiveness Gone. Based on the data of money transactions from different accounts in this system, no It will be known whether a particular account is being used for wrong transactions of money.

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