Sep 17, 2024

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5 reservoirs in the district are flooded with water: Khodiyar dam was filled twice, so much water was released

Onsal Amreli district is yet to receive 100 per cent rainfall. But overall, most of the reservoirs in the district are flooded with water if the year is good. Khodiyar Dam, the largest dam in Amreli district in particular, was a low-lying dam at the beginning of the monsoon. But due to the heavy rainfall in the upper reaches, the dam is full of water and the two gates are constantly kept open. Not only this, so far the dam has been released with enough water to be filled twice. The Khodiyar dam on the Shetruji river near Dhari can store 29.943 million cubic metres of water. The dam was not completely emptied as all the nine gates of the dam were to be changed last summer. And when the monsoon started, pebbles were flying in the dam's belt. Generally, at the beginning of every monsoon, the dam is full of water, the chances of the dam being fully filled are high. But there were doubts about whether the dam would be fully filled up this year. However, the villages upstream of Dhari and the Gir forest received heavy rainfall during the monsoon. As a result, the dam has overflowed. At present, the dam is full of capacity. And two doors have been kept open up to one foot with 1200 cusecs of water being generated per second. Not only this, so far, 56.29 million cubic meters of water has been washed through the gates so far that this dam can be filled twice from the dam. This amount of water goes to shetrunjay dam near Palitana in Hethavas. Similarly, the Raidi dam near Khambha was also 100 per cent full today. Following which one of the gates of the dam was opened and five villages of Hethwas were alerted. Similarly, Dhatarwadi-1 and Dhatarwadi-2 dams are also fully filled and have been overflowing for a long time. The Munjiyasar dam near Bagsara is 70 per cent full. Surajwadi and Sheldedumal dams are only 45 per cent full. Overall, five dams are overflowing in Amreli district and their gates have to be opened. Vadi Dam is still empty Vadi dam near Amreli has received a nominal amount of water in the current monsoon. As a result, only 30 per cent of the water in the current dam is full. If there is no round of heavy rains in the area, then the Vadi dam will remain empty this year. 1 inch of rain at night in Khambha Panthak After half an inch of rain in the rural areas of Rajula yesterday, Khambha Panthak also received one inch of rain during the night. Due to which new water was generated in raidi dam. Thebi Dam will be only half full The thebi dam near Amreli had received a decent amount of water this monsoon. As a result, the dam is currently 54 per cent full of water. However, since this dam is to be filled so much, the doors of the dam are often opened and additional water is washed away.

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