Mar 12, 2025

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In the year 2022-23, the municipality completed the Integrated Health Management Information System project: What did it do with ₹ 21.50 crore? Have you done health IDs of the citizens of Vadodara?

The Integrated Health Management Information System project under the Smart City in Vadodara city has been completed at a cost of Rs 21.50 crore, the bmc has shown in the budget for the year 2022-23, but  even today there is no place for this project.

Under this project, all the Urban Primary Health Centers of Vadodara city have been equipped with integrated health management information system. Under this project, it was planned that doctors, patients, laboratories and pharmacies would all be digitally integrated and citizens would get their own unique health ID number. It was said that citizens will be able to see their every treatment, laboratory report and family information online on the basis of ID number. Apart from this, citizens will be able to get their health ID number from the nearest Urban Primary Health Center or asha worker sister in their area. There will be no need to look for old files and case papers for treatment. Such big announcements were also made.

Under this project, the risk of various diseases, number of children born, planning of waterborne and mosquito-borne diseases, benefits to pregnant women, stock of medicines in vaccination UPHC, etc., will enable the city's top officials to take all health decisions quickly. However, even though there are no locations for the project today, what was done at a cost of ₹21.50 crore showing that the project has been completed? But no action has been taken or any case has been filed by any government or private agencies, the question is why? The ruling party believes that this amount is not very large so there is no need to take any action? No action by PMO office or CMO office, the question is why?

Rahul Vyas

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